Product Name: Acid Brown 214
C.I. No.: 34907
CAS No.: 37372-87-5
Molecular Formula: C16H12N3NaO4S
Molecular Weight: 889.69
Relative name: Acid Brown 4SR;Acid Brown GLS;Acid Brown R;Acid Brown RA ;Acid Brown RT ;Acid Brown RT;Brown RK;Coriamine Brown RT;Indacid Brown RT;Kemacid Leather Brown HA ;Korostan Brown RT ;Leather Brown DC;Lecotan Brown CR;Acid Brown RT;
Mainly used for leather color.
Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.
C.I. No.: 34907
CAS No.: 37372-87-5
Molecular Formula: C16H12N3NaO4S
Molecular Weight: 889.69
Relative name: Acid Brown 4SR;Acid Brown GLS;Acid Brown R;Acid Brown RA ;Acid Brown RT ;Acid Brown RT;Brown RK;Coriamine Brown RT;Indacid Brown RT;Kemacid Leather Brown HA ;Korostan Brown RT ;Leather Brown DC;Lecotan Brown CR;Acid Brown RT;
Mainly used for leather color.
Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.