Acid Brown 282 Acid Brown Ms-Gr Acid Dye

Product Name: Acid Brown 282C.I. No.: Acid Brown 282CAS No.: 12219-65-7Molecular Formula: -Molecular Weight: - Shade:Brown Relative name: Akacid Brown GRS 150%;Dorolan Brown SGR 150%;Intralan Fast Dark Brown GR-W ;Intrapel Dark Brown PRL;Lanacron Brown S-GR ;Lanacron Dark Bro

Featured Products

Product Name: Acid Brown 282
C.I. No.: Acid Brown 282
CAS No.: 12219-65-7
Molecular Formula: -
Molecular Weight: -
Relative name: Akacid Brown GRS 150%;Dorolan Brown SGR 150%;Intralan Fast Dark Brown GR-W ;Intrapel Dark Brown PRL;Lanacron Brown S-GR ;Lanacron Dark Brown GR ;Neutrilan Brown S-GR;Orcolan Neutral Brown GRS ;Ostalan Brown S-GR;Ostalan Brown SGR 150;Ostalan Brown SR 150;Acid Brown MS-GR;
Acid Brown 282
SoapingPersperation FastnessOxygen bleachingLight
Apply to wool, silk, cotton dyeing and printing of black silk ribbon, also can used for leather shading.
Note: The data contained here are based on our current knowledge and experience. It is the responsibility of user to test our products before the final application.



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